April 2022
On the 21st of April I’ll be giving a presentation (in Dutch!) about my photography work at Nationaal Archief in The Hague. After the presentation we’ll be able to walk through their wonderful exhibition ‘Curaçao / Korsou: Stemmen van toen, mensen van nu‘
For more info and to buy a ticket: https://www.nationaalarchief.nl/beleven/agenda/lezing-forverts-een-joods-curacaose-familiegeschiedenis-20220421
March 2022
Seada Nourhussen and John Olivieira of OneWorld invited me to take part in their programme at Pakhuis de Zwijger, for a talk about the design flaws in photojournalism and explore the solutions and practical changes to redesign it in ‘Redesigning Journalism: Break the Image’. I had a great time discussing and talking about these issues in a panel together with Lekgetho Makola, Cigdem Yuksel and Seada - moderated by Dymphie Braun.
You can watch the session on Pakhuis de Zwijger’s wesbite here: https://dezwijger.nl/programma/designing-cities-for-all-28

July 2021
The Life of Fathers Talk can now be viewed via the link below. During this evening in Theater Zuidplein (Rotterdam), we discussed the importance of different perspectives with various fathers and image makers. How important is representation as a father? How do you fight stigma and prejudice? How important is redefining and questioning classical and contemporary visual culture? Has photography become more accessible and inclusive? This evening was all about photography and imaging.
Special thanks to all the speakers: Halil Karaaslan, Adison Holy, King Levi Marengo, Giorno Ras, Cigdem Yuksel, Khalid Amakran and Coco Olakunle Plooijer.
And of course, thank you to Marwan Magroun for the invitation and for organising this special night.
January 2021
‘Forverts’ is available to purchase for 30 euros (including free shipping within NL). A more accurate list of places to purchase the books will follow soon, but for now feel free to contact me if you’re interested!

Photo: Kyara Lucas
November 2020
Last January (2020), my work ‘Forverts’ was exhibited in the exhibition "IDENTITIES: Contemporary Caribbean Perspectives" at Wereldmuseum (Rotterdam). Since then, I’ve been working on translating the work into a publication together with graphic designer Jan-Pieter Karper. The publication is ready to go to print, but I still need some funding in order to get it published. You can support the production of 'Forverts' by pre-ordering your own copy (for 35 euros) on voordekunst or by buying one of the other rewards, like a package of HR wallpapers for your phone/desktop! The book will be published halfway/towards the end of January. The rewards will also be ready by then.

October 2020
“Templated Thinking”, which has been nominated for the Gijs Bakker Award, will be exhibited during Design Academy Eindhoven’s Online Graduation Show during Dutch Design Week. You can experience it at www.templatedthinking.com from October 17th until October 25th, 2020.
I also talked about my research and copy culture in general in the Arena DDW TV panel talk “CTRL + C” moderated by Ned Kaar together with Alice Wong, Anna Oxholm Iversen, Brendan Cormier, Fiona Herrod and Yasmeen Khaja. Due to corona I wasn’t able to make it to the studio IRL, so I attended virtually - the result is my face on a huge screen: tellin it like it is.

August 2020
From Thursday, August 27th until Sunday, August 30th, 2020 my graduation work “Templated Thinking” will be exhibited alongside those of my classmates in the exhibition “What Comes After Will Not Be Like What Came Before” at TAC Eindhoven.

January 2020
As part of Wereldmuseum Rotterdam’s new group exhibition “IDENTITIES; Contemporary Caribbean Perspectives” - I’ll be showing my graduation work, “In The Middle of the Atlantic, A Part of Me was Left Behind”, and my new work, “Forverts”. I’m so excited to be part of such a talented group of people, including Kevin Osepa, Quinsy Gario and Sara Blokland. The show will be on view from January 17th until April 30th, 2020.

July 2019
I’m in St. Martin (SXM) for two weeks working on a new project!